Carrying the Presence of God So as I was asking God about how to ‘survive’ all the transitioning in my life right now. I felt like He took me…
Family, Kindgom, Perspective, PI Blog, Transitioning
My Mom: Gathering the 1st Stone
My Mom Died The early part of this past May, my mom died, went to be in the arms of Jesus, after a bout of Alzheimers! The 1st stone…
Family, Parenting, Perspective, PI Blog, Transitioning
All Grown Up: Gathering Stones
All Grown Up This May marked the year that our youngest, our baby girl, graduated from the university. She graduated from Dallas Baptist University, Suma Cum Laude in a…
Kindgom, Perspective, PI Blog, Transitioning
Gathering the Slippery Stone of Time
Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping . . . (a line in an old song). During transition time is critical and time seems to always be slipping, slipping away….
Family, Kindgom, Perspective, PI Blog, Transitioning
It’s a Diamond: Gathering Stones
Gathering a Diamond There are so many other stones that I have collected for the Alter of Remembrance. A friend told me that she saw the makings of a…
PI Blog, Transitioning
Gathering Stones – before the first step
I will be posting a series of blogs that I wrote this past 6 months. I am changing my blogsite to the PI site. This series is…