The Gift of Surprises
Recently, the adventure of living in God’s surprises has multiplied in our lives. Life consists of adventure, challenges, laughter, tears, and grace all wrapped in surprises.
DC Suprised
Recently, PI partnered with Betenbough Homes in a historical prayer trip to Washington DC. Honestly, I was not looking forward to delving into a divisive political atmosphere filled with grumpy people. Surprisingly, we were met with friendliness, a wonderfully diverse culture, and a plethora of believers thanking us for coming to pray over our nation. People gathered in prayer everywhere. What’s more shocking is we rarely saw a cell phone out. People were present, conversing over meals, coffee, walking together – with no phones interrupting them. Crazy right?!
The Surprise of Hungry Hearts
After DC, I flew to San Antonio to speak at a Women’ Retreat. The women’s hungry hearts for Christ were far more beautiful than the serene nature surrounding us. It is one of my greatest joys to see women daring not to compare but love and encourage each other. At one point, I was caught up praying over for the Holy Spirit to come upon a new friend. In a cloudburst of love He came upon her, exposed and delivered her from lies and past tormenting events. Surprise!
He’s been saturating me with cleansing love as well! He has exposed little and big lies, and past events that have tried to act as a dam holding back the full force of His rivers flowing though me to others.
I would venture that many of us are experiencing the same. We cannot entertain or nurse lies, sin, or our past experiences. We are in a new era. A whole new depth of God is available to be experienced if we are willing to embrace Him and His surprises. We must shed the former shell that has become our security.
At PI, we are in awe of how God is moving, exposing, and weaving relationships so that all the world can see and experience Him through us. It is His goodness that brings light and truth to even the littlest of lies. This is a new era and we get to be a part of this moment in history to impact the future. So, let’s confront the lies and cling to Him, THE Truth, because life with God is full of beautiful surprises. I love His surprises, I love being His, and I love Him.