New Beginnings
It’s time for new beginnings. As a new first, we just celebrated Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets, at our home with 25 friends and family. Together we welcomed in the Jewish New Year. This is such an interesting feast as it focuses upon ushering out the old and welcoming in the new! I am convinced that this Rosh Hashanah is quite pivotal in the midst of the worldwide Pandemic we find ourselves navigating.
To my knowledge, this Pandemic is one of only a handful of truly worldwide events in history. The Flood was a globe covering event. The Cross and the Resurrection touches every person and place on earth regardless of men’s faith. I really can’t think of others! God used these two events to end an era ushering in the new! Is it a stretch to believe and see that He is again at work ending an era and ushering in a new? I think not!
All New
This year, Callie and I built a new home with a new set of offices for PI. Our new offices include a video/audio production facility with top rate equipment. Yesterday, on Rosh Hashanah, I had surgery repairing damages to my body. This injury happened 4 years ago in the mountains of Austria. The old is being ushered out, and everything is positioned for a powerful new launching of our lives. All this work is unto Jesus. I have never ‘felt’ the ending of an era and rolling out of a new one before in my 40+ years of walking with Jesus. The heavenly trumpet is sounding and His new is thundering into our earth!
This last year while ‘grounded’ from normal travel has been monumental! We’ve laid our ‘wineskins’ of ministry before Him and He has begun a massive overhaul of PI within and without. Soon, we will have the ability to reach 1000s in training and truly enter the realm of multiplying disciple making trainers in the world. We will release a ‘Herculean’ web training portal in many languages that will be the single greatest resource we’ve ever produced. Soon our focus will shift from US training to 1000s of indigenous men and women carrying out the training. We will also be touching tens of thousands for Jesus rather than what we’ve known in the past. And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
New Era
I genuinely expect 1 million disciples of Jesus to come forth and 1,000 new churches of all sorts, shapes and sizes to be born. I expect His Kingdom’s reign and presence to invade schools, businesses, media, and other realms we consider secular! You, our partners and friends are at the center of all of this. Thank you for your giving and prayers! The Best IS yet to come as His trumpet blasts and a new era of the Son of God reigning thunders in! New Beginnings