Recently, Tommy Hood and I had the blessing of making our first pandemic-era international trip. We spent four days in Costa Rica and then three in the mountains of Honduras. It was a wonderful experience reconnecting in person with friends and co-workers around the world. Most of our time was spent sitting in homes and hearing stories around dinner tables. We saw tears slowly leak from weary eyes that have been burdened as friends unburdened their hearts. It still amazes me how so often, the servants of Jesus are the world’s wounded healers. They seek to serve God’s people and the broken of the world only to be attacked and wounded along the journey. Tommy and I did our best to bring encouragement, hope, and vision for the future; what an honor.
As we ascended into the mountainous region of San Marcos de Colon, Honduras, we met with approximately 50 leaders and young people of various denominations. We planned to teach on the person and power of the Holy Spirit. This was the first live training we’ve attended since the pandemic slogged down travel a year ago.
As we began, it occurred to us that we were teaching and releasing the power of the Spirit on Pentecost weekend. Many were powerfully filled with the Spirit of God. On Pentecost Sunday, as we prayed for Jesus to pour out His spiritual gifts and empower His servants, all of a sudden, a mighty rushing wind descended upon and filled our room. It was sudden, powerful, and shocking. Just as the Scriptures record in Acts 2, “And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.”
As we concluded, the gentleman who led the Catholic contingency told me how he felt like Pentecost had come to them all over again. He went on to share that he literally felt the presence of God upon his skin as the wind blew. It was one of the most powerful experiences he had ever known! Pentecost came to the mountains of Honduras!
It’s Time
It’s time for a fresh Pentecost, time for our whole houses to be filled with the mighty rushing wind again. This is the heart of Jesus in this very strange season. Again, He wants to pour out His Spirit upon His sons and daughters with great power. It’s time for fresh hunger, time to seek heaven’s fullness again. It’s time for Pentecost!