The God Pursuing Ones
Decisions! Everyday, every moment – decisions. What to cook for dinner? Who do I need to contact today? How do I love my family better? Which flight is the most economical for PI? The February PI calendar is full twice over. In today’s world, all of us answer a plethora of questions each day. It’s life. Life is filled with decisions. Sometimes, I risk being frozen in indecision coupled by circumstances that peak into surmounting stormy waves I need to walk on.
Lately, my discussion with God centers around, ”OK, we’re to walk in peace and joy no matter what, but how do we navigate peace and joy while traversing the tumultuous waves of questions, decisions, and life events ?” Yet, Paul and Silas did it! They sang loud in a rat-infested, dank prison, guarded by the occupiers of their ‘promise land’. So it’s not just a good idea, we can live exhibiting peace and joy.
God started tumbling scriptures into my heart, showing me His ways and His thoughts. He empowered me to experience this reality of peace and joy no matter what happens. Psalm 37:23-24 has been on repeat each morning during my time alone with God. Obviously, I haven’t completely internalized this yet as He is still repeating it to me!
“The steps of the God-pursuing ones follow firmly in the footsteps of the Lord, and God delights in every step they take to follow Him. If they stumble badly they will survive, for the Lord lifts them up.” Psalm 37:23-24
Several months ago, the Holy Spirit whispered to me that Jesus has been this way before. He has already walked where I am. He traveled here before me. Time cannot limit Him. He was here THEN and He is here NOW. He is Lord of THEN and He is Lord of NOW. I’m to look for His footprint. Where is His footstep?
It sounds so simple, but it tends to be difficult. IIt is in ’the pursuing’ Him that the idea of peace and joy becomes reality. To really pursue Him, I trust Him. I depend solely and completely on Him. Pursuit of God requires an abandonment and a silencing of self-focus. I purposefully follow firmly and passionately in His footsteps, knowing He loves me completely. He sees me. He is God. He is my Father. And should we stumble, even badly, we will survive for He will lift us up. He provides, sustains, and develops our peace and joy. He IS peace and joy. So let the joyful dance begin! . . . following His lead! . . . following His footsteps!