Many families gift latter generations with heirlooms. These heirlooms are interwoven, like a tapestry, with a sense of history, beauty, and belonging. My grandma’s old mixing bowl is one such heirloom. This bowl forged the ingredients of delicious pumpkin pie filling and divinity candy. Sitting on the counter, anticipating getting to lick the spoon, I’d listen to my grandma’s tales about our family as she mixed the various batters contained in the favored bowl. When I spy that old bowl, the memories generate a sense of identity and belonging! My heart smiles.
I believe God has beautiful heirlooms for His family to treasure and find treasure in. One is the tapestry He weaves not just for His family but with His family. Each person becomes a strand of unique color, texture and purpose. God weaves us together. Anticipation wraps our emotions as we linger on the stories of our heritage as God’s children. Our identity intertwines with others composing a beautiful heirloom prepared to be enjoyed for all eternity.
The other day, Hannah (our youngest daughter who is part of the PI team) was relaying her conversation with one of our East Asian partners. Her words made my heart smile. Over 25 years ago, then in his 20s, this partner in the Kingdom and his wife played with 2-year-old Hannah. Now, 27-year-old Hannah and our friend are outlining and procuring transportation for East Asian leaders attending Family Camp.
The Tapestry
Recently, I’ve giggled with God as I realized this weaving of His eternal heirloom tapestry. He purposed lives to crisscross up, over, back, forth with new and forged relationships, like threads in a tapestry. Multiplying these connections by literally tens of thousands, then compounding by generations before and after. The wonder of the intricacy and purpose God weaves into His family is incredible. This is crazy fun! Although the underside of the tapestry boasts of knots and frayed threads, it used to create a beautiful heirloom. From this perspective the priceless beauty is revealed. This family heirloom that God is weaving with our lives literally covers the world. We belong. We have family literally all over the world! And our Father – wow – is the Master Weaver!
May your heart smile with a sense of the wonder of being woven into His family!