Thinking with God
Several PI Family Camps ago, I came downstairs early to find Papa Jack (Taylor) sitting at a table with his Bible, notebook, and coffee. I opened with the obvious, “Good morning. What are you doing?” Papa Jack replied, “Thinking with God.” I liked that. Quiet Time, Hour of Power, and Morning Prayers seemed incomplete with a sprinkle of religion. ‘Thinking with God,’ I liked that. There were three distinct developments in my life of ‘thinking with God.’
Practical Tools
1. First, I try to discipline my thoughts into conversations with God, even the ugly ones. He knows what I’m thinking, so why not think with Him? I purposely include GOD in my thoughts. A gripey thought flashes in my head about the weather. I put GOD into it, “God, this weather is the pits!” A totally other thought whispers across my heart, “It’s not all about you. Farmers need rain.” This discipline is now normal, productive, and adds fun to the ordinary.
2. I ask questions. “What is God thinking or feeling? What are His purposes?” I put myself emotionally in Bible stories, asking things like, “What was Sara feeling when Abram gave her away? And why did You pick Abram anyway? What did you see in him?” Soon, other thoughts blow across my heart. Scripture after scripture filters into my remembrance. Eventually the Word comes alive not only in my understanding, but my soul, in my emotions.
I’m aware to question FROM faith not AGAINST faith. Gen. 1:1 states, “In the beginning God.” The foundation of our relationship with God is faith. Because in coming to Him, we must believe that He is . . . (Heb. 11:6). He is God, I’m not. He instructs me, not me Him. My favorite verse is . . . the mystery of the Gospel is Christ in you, the hope of Glory (Col. 1:27). Some things remain a mystery. Mystery makes the journey even more joy-filled.
3. First thing in the mornings as I wake, I try to stay in that drowsy state a few moments. Apparently, my spirit’s sensitive during this time. I heard that scientists have determined that during the first six minutes of waking, our brains are extremely moldable to re-route thought patterns. Interesting! It’s become a treasured time where I can encounter Him.
Mature Relationship
Disciplining my thoughts into conversations with God, asking and probing His thoughts to discover His ways, and using the first six minutes of waking to re-route my thinking are strengthening and maturing my relationship with God. Join me in this journey of thinking with God. He is infinite! He is wonderous! This incredible journey is a forever adventure! (Acknowledgement: Papa Jack who lives in God’s presence, thinking together.)