Start a disciple making culture in your church or company

May 14, 2018

The Journey Begins

It’s great to be rejoining the PI team as part of the challenge God has placed in front of us.  Over the past 4+ years, I have had the privilege of serving as the missions pastor at Beltway Park Church in Abilene.  During this season, we saw immense personal growth in both of us, and we feel the time is now to jump into the mission field.

Brandi and I will be relocating to Krakow, Poland and serving alongside the leadership team at Koscioł dla Miasta (Church for the City) and Pastor Zibi and Magda Marzec as they continue to change their city and see moves of God come to Poland and Europe.

What excites Brandi and I about KDM is the heart to reproduce Kingdom minded individuals and churches throughout Europe and beyond.  KDM is the European Hub for Metamorphic, a church planting movement out of Australia.  We are on the edge of seeing breakthrough of hundreds of churches planted.  Which brings us back to PI.  The core of PI is discipling leaders that can reproduce other leaders, making PI a vital part in helping developing new leaders.  Bringing PI schools into these areas excites me at the possibilities of a Kingdom explosion in the coming days.  Our prayer is to see percentage points change with people coming to know Him.  Joining the KDM team and the PI team we believe will be a key partnership in the days ahead of helping foster moves of God in Europe once again.  To keep up to date with all we are doing, please go to: