Exchanged for Hope
God, in all His Fatherhood, brought many of our European family together in the picturesque mountains of Austria. It was here that He exchanged our loneliness for community and disappointment for hope. Every moment, whether hiking, eating, or worshiping, the atmosphere was saturated with healing hugs, tears, and laughter.
When Randy greeted the group with “Welcome to Family Camp 2022!” an eruption of thunderous applause and shouts of joy ensued. I realized that my ‘family’ from 11 nations, carrying disappointment, tension of war, grief, were together under one roof. We needed to be together. We needed this time. Our first coffee meeting, people immediately became vulnerable expressing disappointments, weaknesses, and loneliness. It was through vulnerability that healing flowed. One precious moment during communion, I spied Mama Freide embracing Madelaine Annandale as they shared in the communion meal. Last time they were together, their husbands accompanied them. They were alone but never alone! Hope wrapped in hugs.
Youth’s Courage
Young people stepped into their roles in the Family. A 14-year-old Ukrainian and I spent some time together. She had chosen to stay with her parents in Kharkiv caring for the people. She showed me pictures of buildings reduced to rubble, dead people strewn on the street, and people in need. What she kept wanting me to hear was the sound of sirens and rockets landing right outside her window. A concert pianist who played with the Ukrainian foremost conductor, now wears body armor while aiding the victims of war. Hope wrapped in youth’s courage.
Unexpectedly, PI ordained Beth White, Hannah Dockery, Brandi Boyd and me. It was an honor to stand with these young ladies. And it’s pretty special for the Boyd family that all four Boyd women (Bethany’s already ordained) have been recognized for their anointing and service. Many told me this was good to see. Hope wrapped in hearts of all women.
As Family Camp 2022 concluded, we left with renewed hope of Christ living in and through us, each of us, ALL of us is the hope of Glory! Hope wrapped up in us!