Breakfast Club
At six o’clock in the morning every first Tuesday of the month, a gathering of 12 coffee-drinking, blurry-eyed, hungry-for-God young ladies, along with Dawn Brown and myself, convene in homes, parks, or over Zoom. We also visit individually throughout the month with a focus on each unique, young woman growing in following Christ and hosting His presence; together we become and make disciples. We call this Breakfast Club.
“Go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19 NIV)
Making disciples is the overflow of being with and following Jesus. These women come for discipleship, yet are discipling each other, tutored by Dawn and myself. If they in return don’t make disciples, beginning with their own children, then the time has been unfruitful and stale. Dawn and I create an atmosphere of hunger, insatiable, unless the young ladies surrender daily to Christ—joining Him in His mission.
It’s a beautiful work of grace taking ordinary women and bearing fruit for Him in the lives of others. Two of the ladies have even started another Breakfast Club with eight young ladies, plus two spiritual mothers present for wisdom and stability. Another young lady is cultivating the presence of God throughout her day, quoting scripture intentionally throughout her day. The young women also pray together over group texts for everything from lost earrings to tests and for sicknesses and families. They speak encouraging words and urge each one’s giftings to shine. Two were re-baptized marking a newness in their lives! Struggles are being overcome; community is being experienced; joy and peace are becoming their heart’s atmosphere.
An Act of Love
God has taken my ordinary but surrendered life as a tool to impact others. It is so fun to see the light of faith ignite in these eyes, just by asking questions to spur thinking with God. Making disciples of Jesus isn’t something hard or some big accomplishment; it’s an act of love. He makes us those that make disciples that make disciples. There’s no magic system. We just walk humbly with Jesus, authentically before others, and are intentional. It’s fun, eternal, AND we make God smile!
The PI family has covenanted to live what we talk otherwise, we impart not a relationship with Jesus, but a religion. We are living in our home life, as we are in the nations—authentic. Circumstances and locations do not change the heart of God being lived out in and through us all!