Start a disciple making culture in your church or company

August 1, 2019


One of the fresh perspectives we have recently discovered is who the real heroes are in the plot of this story that Prepare International is enmeshed in?  It seems that the Lord Jesus is working through us to pioneer many works around the world, cultivate and nourish new spiritual leaders, and then break down barriers among peoples, nations, races, and even genders.  Wow.  Sounds amazing, and it’s true.  As we are caught up amid this work, we could be tempted to think that WE are the heroes of this saga.

Recently in a meeting with some of our friends here at Betenbough Companies, they reminded us that the real heroes in this grand tale are the unknown, unsung, hidden faces we work with around the world.  THEY are the Frontline Pioneers and Shepherds of God’s great work abroad.  THEY are the ones who are the instruments in His hand.  THEY are God’s Hidden Heroes, and it is an honor to be their friends and co-workers in His nations!

Christian and Mieke Vermeire – he and his wife graduated from a Belgian school years ago, and now Christian has helped found and helps lead a disciple-making movement of young men – Hero!

Tony and Rosela Delrio – a young couple in Costa Rica who have founded a powerful YWAM base and three PI Schools.  They are pioneers for Jesus in their land and a fantastic witness of Jesus Christ – Heroes!

Gary and Yvette Makamba – a young couple who by absolute faith came from Zimbabwe to South Africa and pioneered 8-10 churches and helped lead our first PI school there.  Heroes!

And the list goes on and on and on.  THEY are the ones.  THEY are His hands, His feet, and His face to the generations.  They deserve honor, applause, and acclaim!  But above all the real hero in this saga is Jesus.  What a King He is.  He can take a ragtag band of nobodies from nowhere and put them in His Hand and amaze.  Jesus – the Ultimate Hero of the epic tale called the Kingdom of God.  Bravo!